RACE TORQUE MEDIA (RTM) is pleased to confirm it has been accepted by Brand South Australia to sport the state’s official branding, joining hundreds of other businesses as a representative of South Australian products, creativity and industry.
RTM also now appears on the I Choose SA business register, an integrated campaign which leverages multiple media & communications channels across South Australia to promote local businesses.
Brand South Australia exists to position South Australia locally, nationally and globally as a creative, innovative and industrious state. Working with South Australian Government, media, business and the community, the brand open the door to greater opportunities for South Australia.
RTM was founded in 2005 and has remained based in South Australia since.
While it services a broad array of national and even international clients, the business remains proudly South Australian owned and operated and a voice for the state’s Motorsport industry.
Motorsport is a key economic contributor to South Australia, with the Clipsal 500 Adelaide Supercars Championship race contributing more than $60.6m and the full-time equivalent of 440 jobs to the local economy alone.
In conjunction with other key events, race teams, supporting businesses, circuits and competitors, that figure is conservatively expected to double to more than $120m per annum, but is potentially higher with the advent of major projects like The Bend Motorsport Park.
RTM is proud to represent the state brand in our national and international endeavors and will continue to positively advocate for the South Australian motor sport industry in the years to come.