IT IS another good news week On the Grid as more news of a return to racing is confirmed, Motorsport Australia and ARG locking in their dates for the remainder of 2020 and early ’21.
ARG CEO Matt Braid joins the show to discuss the calendar, how it came about and the (pleasant) surprise of back-to-back events in Tasmania which will conclude the extended season for TCR and S5000.
Cam McConville joins the chat to talk about being the last person to drive a factory Honda F1 car before they pulled the pin on the sport in the 2000s, and then Schibecs, Craillsy and Walker break down the calendar news, discuss what’s going on in the ‘States and how to cheat properly in sim racing..
It’s live now thanks to mypodcasthouse.com – listen at the link below, via Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at 9PM UK time on RS1, via radiolemans.com.