Power Rankings Team TRT June 15, 2023 (Comments off) (740)

RANKED: Darwin Liveries

For the second running of the Supercars Indigenous Round concept, it’s fair to say that the bar has been raised.

This weekend when the teams hit the track at Hidden Valley Raceway, there will be some eye-catching liveries on show – and we have tried our best to rank them in order of our favourites – it’s a bloody tough ask…

Hit us up on the socials @theracetorque – we’d love to know your thoughts!

One thing that has become apparent in 2023 is that various teams have genuinely embraced the Indigenous Round concept, and have added some depth to the celebration beyond the liveries.

From engaging the community to involving groups such as Racing Together, and inviting special guests to gain work experience with teams throughout the event, it’s heartening that one of our criticisms from last year has been met by the sport.

As for the liveries, some are subtle, while others are more out there, but there are some certified bangers in the bunch.

For instance, kudos to the Middy’s crew, who have embraced pink all over, in a departure from their standard disjointed affair.

On the other hand – we love the front and we love the rear of James Courtney’s car, but do they necessarily work together? We’re looking forward to seeing it on track…

Also, Nick Percat’s example is an incredible artwork on a high-speed canvas, but have NTI sacrificed the entire impact of their branding for the exercise?

We can’t wait to see the field hit the circuit, and the other initiatives that are to be rolled out over the weekend.

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