2023: A Season in WHATs

This season, more than any other, we were asking one question: WHAT?
Here, we have hand-picked the best bits of our Caltex Power Rankings WHAT section, as supplied by you, the fans of The Race Torque.
From our Travels

From the Net
All-time clubhouse leader
Rat meat
He’s everywhere you wanna be…
Matt Naulty absolutely being put in his place
Express train, not stopping at any stations, now passing turn one
On this week’s episode of Lost…
Our dream wedding scenario: next to the Pizza Hut race car
Never go full Will Brown
“It’s dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love wearing glasses”
Rumour has it, that car still hasn’t been let onto the race track
AGP Fa-shun
Anything but the metric system…
Imagine getting the grandstand seat behind him…
He literally blew the doors off his race car…
Any guesses which button we would press down for six hours?
“To me a grudge is just a place to pawk your caw”
Pink eye?
Tearing Up was a thing
David Reynolds Corner
Typographical Fails

We call Bullshit